Learn how to get going and actually stop your procrastinating-200-200 POST

Stop Procrastination

Picture of Jeffrey M. Butch
Jeffrey M. Butch


Procrastination is putting off things you need to do.

It’s different than just delaying them or rescheduling things. They are tasks that *NEED* to get done and now, you just aren’t doing them. But you will eventually do them and there may be consequences for having waited.  Stop procrastination and do what you must do is truly good for you. Our Hypnosis Procrastination program is perfect for the mind that wants to succeed but cannot get started.

How to not procrastinate? The first step is to think about why you are not doing what you are supposed to do. The usual answer is simply, you do not want to. But that’s a cop out. Really ask why. Is it too hard? You don’t have the skills, the imagination, or do you dislike the people you must do it with? There is one or two reasons for the procrastination. And when you honestly review everything and name them to yourself you can overcome them and get things done. Then change those couple of things and you can do your task.

And when you look back, almost every time people say, that was so easy once I started! And it was, but you just had to remove the roadblocks which were big and totally stopped you. But once removed, you were home free. Harvard Business Review on how to Stop Procrastination.

How Steady Thoughts Hypnotherapy Works

The strength of hypnotherapy is in the power of suggestion.

Steady Thoughts products provide a gentle way to give you a positive message.

Hypnotic suggestions help you make desired behavior changes.

Therefore, your inner mind accepts new solutions.

So your new habit is easier for you to start than it would be when fully awake.

The strength of hypnotherapy is in the power of suggestion.

Steady Thoughts products provide a gentle way to give you a positive message.

Hypnotic suggestions help you make desired behavior changes.

Therefore, your inner mind accepts new solutions.

So your new habit is easier for you to start than it would be when fully awake.