
Internet addiction



Self-Hypnosis for Internet addiction

If you are reading this, you are looking for a solution to your Internet addiction. You didn’t come here to stay the same. In short, try the Steady Thoughts Self-Hypnosis for Internet addiction MP3 audio program for the life you really want. Internet addiction is when a person constantly needs to spend a great deal of time on the Internet. To where other areas of life, such as friends, work or health may suffer. College and university students may be at risk to addiction. Web addiction is a mental issue, there is no physical malady. People just get a mental satisfaction from the constant new input from the internet. This is an area where self-hypnosis can have great results in training your mind to decrease internet use.

How will Self-Hypnosis for Internet addiction benefit me?

Internet addiction can be all consuming. It destroys relationships and families as much as other addictions. It is overwhelming for the sufferer. The actual cause is unknown. The current range of theories for compulsive web use includes shyness – people who are shy in real-life situations may be drawn to the anonymity of the Internet. They believe they can be their ‘true selves’ when online. And mind responses – the brain responds to the online rewards with ‘feel good’ chemicals. This biochemical ‘high’ encourages dependence. Lastly, escapism – web addiction is so absorbing that the user can forget about their problems and escape negative emotions online. Because it makes them feel better, it encourages them to turn to the Internet for relief. Because all these issues are from the mind there is no physical addiction and no malady to fix. So, self-hypnosis for internet addiction can be very worthwhile.

Your future lies in what you do today with self-hypnosis

If you think you may have an internet addiction and you want to change your behavior, there are ways to do it. Firstly, admit you want to and need to change. It is impacting your life negatively. Think about why you use the net so much. What makes you go online? Is there a real problem you are not facing up to? Think about other ways to cope with your problem not using the web. Use relaxation methods like deep breathing or meditation to manage anxiety symptoms.Find the neglected areas of your life. For example, socialize with friends, go to events. Also, hypnosis like in the Steady Thoughts program Hypnosis for Internet Addiction can be a great help. The Steady Thoughts Self-Hypnosis for Internet addiction MP3 audio download can help with your Internet addiction. Lastly, help your inner mind, your subconscious to learn new thinking patterns and overcome it.>

How Steady Thoughts Hypnotherapy Works

Our one-hour long programs feature traditional hypnotic techniques.

We provide subliminal, inaudible affirmations directly into your subconscious.

Including beautiful, relaxing music providing a great environment.

A high-tech binaural beat puts your mind into a theta state.

Use stereo earbuds/headphones and hear hypnotic suggestions and affirmations.

With a one-time purchase of $9.95, you can listen to it over and over to reach your goals!