Media and Press Info

We often provide input to media and press publications.

Journalists request our expert opinion on hypnosis and mental health related issues. You can review some of our recent articles below. For example, here is an article on anxiety in OutwitTrade, How To Deal With Anxiety Further, an article on stress in UpJourney, What to Say to Someone Who Is Stressed

Contact us if you would like us to write an article for your publication. Likewise, if you want an interview on hypnotherapy or a related topic. Similarly, call even if you just have questions about our content or the science of hypnotherapy. We would be happy to talk to you. Our FAQ has tons of info on media and press info and hypnotherapy.

In addition, as medical professionals we are involved in the daily practice of primary care. Therefore, we can speak on topics of lifestyles, phobias, psychology, and psychotherapy. We have seen the growth of hypnosis since the pandemic. For instance, the rocketing of telemedicine in the areas of primary care and behavioral medicine. This has also happened in hypnotherapy. As a result, as medical clinicians we expanded into telemedicine and digital downloads. Hypnotherapy has always had a phone component. But it increased drastically into video because physical contact decreased.

Likewise, the recording side of our business took on a new focus. We now have over 140 popular MP3 products and several free downloads on Wealth and Prosperity and Being Calm and Positive with Covid-19.