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Excessive Social Media Use

Picture of Jeffrey M. Butch
Jeffrey M. Butch


About the Author

Do you know when  to stop?

To paraphrase an old saying,  people are paying far less attention to you than you think they are. And concerning social media, it is never truer. With all the millions of people walking around with their heads down staring at their devices, very few are communicating with anyone they care about or even viewing anything they care about.

It’s like the modern version of watching TV and clicking the remote from channel to channel. You never really watch anything fully. And like the quote relates, if you think they care about you, think again. University researchers likened constant social watching and excessive smart phones use to aspects of an addiction. And all this media use has virtually no redeeming qualities. Sure, it can be fun. But so are video games, card games, bowling, and poker. But we cannot play these all the time. And if you do, when do you get any work done? Not just work for you employer, but for yourself. When do paint your house, do your homework, learn a skill or work on a hobby.

The problem, of course, is that social media use and the internet are addicting. The response from the clicks feeds the brains need for input just like an addict on a drug. To overcome your addiction to your device or social media, check out our hypnosis program Internet Addiction.


How Steady Thoughts Hypnotherapy Works

The strength of hypnotherapy is in the power of suggestion.

Steady Thoughts products provide a gentle way to give you a positive message.

Hypnotic suggestions help you make desired behavior changes.

Therefore, your inner mind accepts new solutions.

So your new habit is easier for you to start than it would be when fully awake.

The strength of hypnotherapy is in the power of suggestion.

Steady Thoughts products provide a gentle way to give you a positive message.

Hypnotic suggestions help you make desired behavior changes.

Therefore, your inner mind accepts new solutions.

So your new habit is easier for you to start than it would be when fully awake.